Hi all,

I recently offered an alternative repository of SOGo packages. The main 
difference from the official packages were absence of OpenChange support. 
That has now changed! I've taken the effort to solve the problems of building 
OpenChange and now packages are available including OpenChange support.

Because OpenChange packages are demanding - may require updating other system 
packages (on Jessie samba and related libraries, on Trusty libmemcached), and 
while not every SOGo users needs OpenChange, I placed OpenChange and related 
packages in the repository into a separate component. Thank to this, packages 
can choose only users who want to use OpenChange integration. OpenChange 
support is available for Debian Jessie, Ubuntu Trusty and Xenial.

Using apt repository remains the same - who is interested in OpenChange, let 
adds 'openchange' component on the same line in apt sources. For example on 

SOGo v.2.x
  deb http://www.axis.cz/linux/debian jessie sogo-v2 openchange

SOGo v3.x
  deb http://www.axis.cz/linux/debian jessie sogo-v3 openchange

Caution: Because I do not use OpenChange on any of my installations, I can not 
test whether integration with OpenChange works properly.


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