Even the website is down. For those, who are in need of some kind of 

there is luckily a recent snapshot: 

Am Mittwoch, Dezember 07, 2016 12:00 CET, "devteam" (devt...@alpeinsoft.ch) 
<users@sogo.nu> schrieb:

Project openchange stopped all development.

May be somebody have ideas/solutions? @Slavek?

On 07/28/2016 01:30 AM, Slávek Banko (slavek.ba...@axis.cz) wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have experience with maintaining packages for multiple versions of Debian
> and Ubuntu distributions. Thanks to this I have ready builder for many
> versions of Debian and Ubuntu for multiple architectures.
> I dared to prepare an alternative repository of SOGo packages for Debian and
> Ubuntu. Packages are available not only for SOGo 3.x, but also for SOGo 2.x.
> Distributions are Debian 7 (Wheezy), Debian 8 (Jessie), Ubuntu 14.04 (Trusty)
> and Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial). Architectures amd64 and i386. If there arises an
> interest, I can try to build also for other architectures (armhf, arm64,...).
> Currently, all these SOGo builds are without OpenChange support, because it is
> difficult to build OpenChange. During my attempts to build OpenChange always
> occurs FTBFS...
> To install gpg key, use:
> apt-key adv --keyserver sks.labs.nic.cz --recv-key A04BE668
> The format of the line to the apt sources is as follows:
> For SOGo v.2.x
> deb http://www.axis.cz/linux/debian <your-distribution> sogo-v2
> For SOGo v3.x
> deb http://www.axis.cz/linux/debian <your-distribution> sogo-v3
> Where <your-distribution> could be: wheezy, jessie, trusty or xenial. Do not
> be fooled by the word 'debian' in the url - this is true even for the Ubuntu
> packages.
> The packages numbering follows the usual packaging rules. By the way, packages
> are also ready to properly update during dist-upgrade, because version of
> distribution is a part of the packages version. This is a small advantage
> over the official Inverse packages ;)
> Cheers


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