Am 18.11.2016 um 15:14 schrieb Jonathan Dumaresq (
> Hi,
> We try to get our global addressbook working in sogo v3.2.1 and we have
> some problem in the config file. We try to import a new contect from
> sogo web interface and we cannot map the cn correctly to import it in
> the LDAP.
> here the config
> SOGoUserSources = (
>         {
>         id = sambaContacts;
>         modifiers = (, );
>         displayName = "Contacts";
>         canAuthenticate = NO;
>         isAddressBook = YES;
>         type = ldap;
>         CNFieldName = cn;
>         IDFieldName = cn;
>         UIDFieldName = cn;
>         objectClasses = contact;
>         hostname = "ldap://myldapserver:389";;
>         baseDN = "ou=Contacts,dc=domain,dc=com";
>          bindDN = "";
>         bindPassword = password;
>         mapping = {
>                 mozillaworkurl = ("wWWHomePage", "mozillaworkurl");
>                 mozillaworkstreet2 = streetAddress;
>                 };
>         }
> );
> With this setup, i can see the new global addressbook and I can retrieve
> contact.
> Now the new contact is not working correclty. When save the new contact
> I get this in wireshark.
> Frame 48: 213 bytes on wire (1704 bits), 213 bytes captured (1704 bits)
> Ethernet II, Src: Vmware_c7:0c:d8 (00:0c:29:c7:0c:d8), Dst:
> Vmware_cd:22:37 (00:0c:29:cd:22:37)
> Internet Protocol Version 4, Src:, Dst:
> Transmission Control Protocol, Src Port: 39310, Dst Port: 389, Seq: 56,
> Ack: 15, Len: 147
> Lightweight Directory Access Protocol
>     LDAPMessage addRequest(2)
> "cn=c86-582de600-1-42d8b100,ou=contacts,dc=domain,dc=com"
>         messageID: 2
>         protocolOp: addRequest (8)
>             addRequest
>                 entry:
> cn=c86-582de600-1-42d8b100,ou=contacts,dc=domain,dc=com
>                 attributes: 2 items
>                     AttributeList item cn
>                         type: cn
>                         vals: 1 item
>                     AttributeList item objectClass
>                         type: objectClass
>                         vals: 1 item
>         [Response In: 50]
> In my LDAP server I see the new user as c86-582de600-1-42d8b100 instead
> of the Display Name.
> I don't see the email in the request.
> Anybody can help me with the config ?

I assume, that the imported address card has a UID attribute set.
You specify, that UIDFieldName is cn, therefore it imports the UID into cn.
You should use another field for UID, which one depends on your used
objectClass "contact".

Kind regards,
Christian Mack

Please do not hijack other mail threads!

Christian Mack
Universität Konstanz
Kommunikations-, Informations-, Medienzentrum (KIM)
Abteilung Basisdienste
78457 Konstanz
+49 7531 88-4416

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