
The fact is not everybody has the same version of Office
You can have differed updates as well as monthly updates.

I've the last stable version and your guide is not working anymore. The GUI has changed and you can no longer configure any EAS account manually.

There's only Exchange with autodiscovery.

Jean-Philippe Ghibaudo

Le 29 septembre 2017 12:21:07 "Christian Jensen" (c...@cjpg.dk) <users@sogo.nu> a écrit :


while this is about auto discovery, i use ActiveSync in Outlook 2016, i
configure it manually, by going into the Control panel and adding my
account manually

i found this guide that actually describes what i did to connect Outlook
2016 with SOGo


so i do not think Microsoft is going to drop ActiveSync but they are
most likely migrating away from the usages of ActiveSync..

i'm no expert that's just my two cents, that it is possible to connect
without auto discovery,

Den 26-09-2017 kl. 22:36 skrev Gerald Brandt (g...@majentis.com):

I've setup a couple of Outlook 2016's by manually configuring
activesync. It seems Microsoft has removed that feature, and now
REQUIRES autodiscovery.

According to the manual, autodiscovery is not supported in SOGo. That
means Outlook 2016 activesync is not supported in SOGo.

Is there anything I can do to get this going?


Hilsen / Regards
Christian Jensen


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