Den 29-09-2017 kl. 13:51 skrev Gerald Brandt (

On 2017-09-29 06:02 AM, "Jean-Philippe Ghibaudo" ( wrote:


The fact is not everybody has the same version of Office
You can have differed updates as well as monthly updates.

I've the last stable version and your guide is not working anymore. The GUI has changed and you can no longer configure any EAS account manually.

There's only Exchange with autodiscovery.

*Jean-Philippe Ghibaudo*

This is correct. The GUI has completely changed and manual setup is no longer available. PITA.



Granted that they made lots of changes in the past few months, that came as a surprise..

so here's how to downgrade office so you can add your account, once you added your account upgrade office again :)

Follow the guide.

This is what i did this morning on new laptop

open cmd.exe as admin.

~# cd %programfiles%\Common Files\Microsoft Shared\ClickToRun

## note the version number 'June 13, 2017 Version 1705 (Build 8201.2102)'

~# officec2rclient.exe /update user updatetoversion=16.0.8201.2102

open 'Control Panel > Mail' and click on New account .... and we have the old ui back :) :)

once your account is added start outlook 2016,

this works for me, hope this will help, i know not user friendly but it works

Hilsen / Regards
Christian Jensen


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