I am wondering what else I have messed up this time round:

Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: version 4.0.4 (build r...@waridi.nnn.com
201902090116) -- starting
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: vmem size check enabled: shutting down app
when vmem > 384 MB. Currently at 0 MB
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80c7fa6e8[SOGoProductLoader]> SOGo
products loaded from '/usr/local/GNUstep/Local/Library/SOGo':
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80c7fa6e8[SOGoProductLoader]>
 Appointments.SOGo, Mailer.SOGo, ActiveSync.SOGo, AdministrationUI.SOGo,
CommonUI.SOGo, Contacts.SOGo, ContactsUI.SOGo, MailPartViewers.SOGo,
MailerUI.SOGo, MainUI.SOGo, PreferencesUI.SOGo, SchedulerUI.SOGo
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: MailPartViewers
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [ERROR] [so-product-registry] failed to load
product CommonUI required by MainUI.
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [ERROR] [so-product-registry] failed to load
product MainUI required by ContactsUI.
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [ERROR] [so-product-registry] failed to load
product MainUI required by SchedulerUI.
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: AdministrationUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: MailerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: PreferencesUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: All products loaded - current memory usage
at 0 MB
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> listening on
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> watchdog process
pid: 43867
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80ad06240[WOWatchDogChild]> watchdog
request timeout set to 10 minutes
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> preparing 15
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43868
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43869
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43870
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43871
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43872
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43873
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43874
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43875
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43876
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43877
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43878
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43879
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43880
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43881
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43867]: <0x0x80aeea7d8[WOWatchDog]> child spawned
with pid 43882
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: ContactsUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: [so-product-registry] could not load
product: SchedulerUI
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f967028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9733d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f967028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43871]: <0x0x80f957858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9733d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43869]: <0x0x80f957858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f967028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9733d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f966028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f96b028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43870]: <0x0x80f957858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9723d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f960028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f965028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9723d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9773d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43872]: <0x0x80f903858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43877]: <0x0x80f903858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f965028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43882]: <0x0x80f954858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f966028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9723d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43874]: <0x0x80f903858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9723d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9733d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f96a028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f965028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9763d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9723d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43868]: <0x0x80f96a858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43876]: <0x0x80f903858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43875]: <0x0x80f903858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43879]: <0x0x80f951858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f96a028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f96b028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f969028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9763d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9773d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9753d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_user_profile' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e716f58> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_user_profile' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_folder_info' creation
failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e717df8> NAME:ExecutionFailed
REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_folder_info' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43880]: <0x0x80f954858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are readyFeb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43881]:
<0x0x80f954858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the watchdog that we are ready

Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: |SOGo| table 'sogo_store' creation failed!
Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80e73c758> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_store' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43878]: <0x0x80f902858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: |SOGo| sogo quick table 'sogo_quick_contact'
creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception: 0x80f965028>
NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table 'exim4u.sogo_quick_contact' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: |SOGo| sogo quick table
'sogo_quick_appointment' creation failed! Reason: <MySQL4Exception:
0x80f9723d8> NAME:ExecutionFailed REASON:Table
'exim4u.sogo_quick_appointment' doesn't exist
Feb 09 01:24:07 sogod [43873]: <0x0x80f903858[WOHttpAdaptor]> notified the
watchdog that we are ready
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: <0x0x80cba1a88[SOGoCache]> Cache cleanup
interval set every 360.000000 seconds
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: <0x0x80cba188[SOGoCache]> Using host(s)
'' as server(s)
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find MainUIProduct
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: English
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find MainUIProduct
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: English
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: "GET /SOGo HTTP/1.1" 302 0/0
0.003 - - -
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find MainUIProduct
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: English
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find MainUIProduct
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: English
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find MainUIProduct
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: English
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find MainUIProduct
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: [ERROR] [we-rm] did not find locale for
language: English
Feb 09 01:24:31 sogod [43873]: "GET /SOGo/index HTTP/1.1" 403
238/0 0.003 - - -

Best regards,
+254 7 3200 0004/+254 7 2274 3223
"Oh, the cruft.", grep ^[^#] :-)

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