Hello, I hope to be precise enough because it was a colleague who did the manipulation and not me. The Bug was solved by installing SOGo on his machine (and all the dependencies it requires) then doing makefile. After that he copied the files on the server and restarted the SOGo service
The explanation seems to be that the js files weren't minified Regards

Le 29/08/2022 à 14:17, Götz Reinicke (goetz.reini...@filmakademie.de) a écrit :

After the update to SOGo 5.7.1 I can only select my personal Calendar for appointments. Even new created calendars can’t be selected.

Any idea?

Regards . Götz

Vianney Natton
Direction Informatique de l'Observatoire
Administrateur système
RSSI Suppléant
Observatoire de Paris - Bâtiment Perrault
77 avenue Denfert Rochereau - 75014 Paris

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