Hello Alain,

thanks for the information.

On 30.10.23 13:37, "alain25" (s...@osnetworking.com) wrote:

I followed your instructions and moved the file
/etc/apache2/conf.d/SOGo.conf to /etc/apache2/conf-available/SOGo.conf

root@webmail: mv /etc/apache2/conf.d/SOGo.conf /etc/apache2/conf-available/SOGo.conf

Then I did the following command:
root@webmail:/etc/apache2/conf-available# a2enconf SOGo.conf
I checked that the synbolic link was made in :

lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root root 27 oct. 30 12:02 SOGo.conf -> ../conf-available/SOGo.conf

looks fine

I restarted Apache2
root@webmail:/etc/apache2/conf-enabled# systemctl restart apache2

Then I went to the ip address

As I (and also Marco) already wrote: this URL is wrong.

You have to use

The URL is case sensitiv, so the last 'o' has to be in lower case.

But then I get a black screen with a 501 error.

I give you the configuration of ../conf-available/SOGo.conf

Is this really the whole file? If yes, then there's missing content at the end of it after this:

## For proxy-side authentication only for CardDAV and GroupDAV from external
## clients:
#<Location /SOGo/dav>
#  AuthType XXX
#  Require valid-user
#  SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
#  Allow from all

^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ starting here there should be more lines

The next problem: IMHO the content of this file:

And in the file /etc/sogo/sogo.conf

normally looks completely different than yours:

<VirtualHost *:80>
    Servername localhost
    #DocumentRoot /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/
    ErrorLog /var/log/apache2/sogo_error.log
    Customlog /var/log/apache2/sogo_access.log combined
    ServerSignature Off

   Alias /SOGo.woa/WebServerResources/ /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/
    Alias /SOGo/WebServerResources/ /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/WebServerResources/
   AliasMatch /SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/(.*)/Resources/(.*) /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/$1.SOGo/Resources/$2

    <Directory /usr/lib/GNUstep/SOGo/>
         AllowOverride None
#       Order deny,allow
#       Allow from all
         Require all granted

   <LocationMatch "^/SOGo/so/ControlPanel/Products/.*UI/Resources/.*\.(jpg|png|gif|css|js)">
      SetHandler default-handler

    ProxyRequests Off
    SetEnv proxy-nokeepalive 1
    ProxyPreserveHost On
    ProxyPass /SOGo retry=0
      RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-port" "80"
      RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-name" "localhost"
      RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-url" "http://localhost";
      RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-server-protocol" "HTTP/1.0"
     RequestHeader set "x-webobjects-remote-host" %{REMOTE_HOST}e env=REMOTE_HOST
      AddDefaultCharset UTF-8
      Order allow,deny
      Allow from all
    ## We use mod_rewrite to pass remote address to the SOGo proxy.
    # The remote address will appear in SOGo's log files and in the X-Forward
    # header of emails.
    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteRule ^/SOGo/(.*)$ /SOGo/$1 [env=REMOTE_HOST:%{REMOTE_ADDR},PT]
    Redirect permanent /index.html http://webmail.davenet.fr/SOGo

Or did you mixed files with wrong contents within your mail and the files on your server are looking different?

This should be clarified first. Could you please check the content of these two files?

And after that: what do the logs say (Apache & /var/log/sogo/sogo.log)?


P.S.: It would be helpful if you could send plain text mails and avoid HTML

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