On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Tom Meunier wrote:

Well then people like you can continue to sort based on the list header.

Isn't that easy?


Dan Mahoney, System Admin wrote:

On Tue, 14 Sep 2004, Michele Neylon::Blacknight Solutions wrote:

Hear hear. By the way, the list is run on mailman, so it's definitely possible.

Nope. EZMLM.

Did someone HAVE a good reason for why it's not happening? I can live with a four-character longer subject line.

Yup.  Atrocities like this:

Re: [THIS] Fwd:  [THAT] Re: [SA-TALK] (original subject truncated)

Breaks alphabetical sorting, if you like to sort alphabetically at times (which I do in the event that someone's mail client breaks a thread). And if I forward that message to you off-list, that should go into your inbox, no? Heaven help that message, nobody knows where the hell it's going.

I should observe that at least one other list I'm on (the NANOG list) DOES NOT have the prefix, and there's a lot of confusion with this list for that reason, since both of you seem to be intent on harping on "SPF IS BAD" versus "SPF IS HERE".

Why would it make any confusion at all? I honestly do not understand how they can even find their way into the same folder (it sounds like you're sorting into folders, I'm not sure though). I have half a dozen lists dealing with nothing but messaging, and none of them have it and they all sort fine. They even sorted fine with Outlook and Outlook Express!


"Tonite on reboot!  People misspelling as many words with sexual
connotations as possible..."

-Keyo-Chan, February 10th 1999, Undernet #reboot

--------Dan Mahoney--------
Techie,  Sysadmin,  WebGeek
Gushi on efnet/undernet IRC
ICQ: 13735144   AIM: LarpGM
Site:  http://www.gushi.org

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