I'm running spamassassin 3.0rc4 on OpenBSD sparc64.

Dnsbl tests don't appear to be running, and when running "make test", I

        all skipped: no reason given

I had originally checked the option to skip network checks during the
test, but ran "make clean" and selected the option to do the tests the
second time around.

And, in any event, the checks should be working when SA itself is run,
right? I checked and RBL checks etc. aren't disabled in my user_prefs or
in local.cf. I'm not 1000% sure they're not being run, but relatively
certain from looking at the SA markup in messages I've received. Any
good way to test this or figure out why it might be happening?

Running SA on a mailbox or message in debug mode does not appear to show
any dnsbl tests happening.

Also, the SPF plugin is enabled, but when I send messages from a host
not authorized to send mail for my domain, I don't see any SA markup
about SPF checks failing in the received messages.

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