I thought SURBL was built in to 3.0 was I mistaken?

On Sep 22, 2004, at 4:40 PM, Chris Santerre wrote:

I just updated Bigevil, which now is 1.25 megs in size. It will consume the
souls of your server, your family, and that cute girl/guy at your local
coffee shop!

With the release of SA 3.0, for the love of all that is digital, use SURBL!!

Tell your ISP's to upgrade. Tell them to contact me to be larted if you
must! But we should really make BigEvil retire. It has served its purpose.
Let it rest its remaining days on a calm silver lake in the White Mountains
of New Hampshire.

--Chris (Crying over the NHL.)

Kindest regards,


The men and women of our great country, whose service or whose heart for an oppressed and weak people have led to the altar of final sacrifice, cry out loudly declaring freedom a treasured right, not a privileged commodity.

        These are true heroes.

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