On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 01:30:19AM -0800, John Andersen wrote:
> If you are thinking about installing Spamassasin 3.0  PAY ATTENTION:
> If you haven't been reading this list carefully you will
> have missed the fact that spamd has been moved 
> from /usr/sbin/  to /usr/bin .  However, the old version remains
> in /usr/sbin which is often where your scripts expect to find it.
> (At least in SuSE > 8 it is so).
> Easiest fix it to rm the one in /usr/sbin and link the new one
> there, and then go to /etc/sysconfig/spamd and remove the
> -a argument in that file.

Alternatively, perhaps the released version could be amended so
that spamd is installed in /usr/sbin rather than /usr/bin, which
is I understand what the Debian package maintainers have done (that
wouldn't assist users who have already upgraded, of course).

Anthony Edwards

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