Anthony Edwards wrote:
> On Fri, Sep 24, 2004 at 02:37:31PM -0400, Kris Deugau wrote:
> > Justin Mason wrote:
> > > Yeah -- this is almost definitely something to do with SuSE's
> > > packaging of either perl (if it uses the defaults from
> > > ExtUtils::MakeMaker) or SpamAssassin itself (if its rpm spec moves
> > > the file around as Debian does).
> >
> > Actually, for any "real" package manager (ie, rpm or dpkg), upgrading a
> > package should remove all old files as a part of the upgrade.
> The issue related to SuSE is that previously, one has been able
> to install the SuSE default .rpm package, and then subsequently
> upgrade using cpan without removing the old package first since
> the old binaries and entire contents of /usr/share/spamassassin/
> have been overwritten by that process.

Ah, but that's not "upgrading the package", that's "installing from
source".  (More or less;  CPAN does some checking that a plain
install-from-tarball wouldn't.)  In the context of a system with a
package manager of some kind, an upgrade typically implies that you find
a new version of the package built for that packaging system- a new .deb
for Debian/dpkg-based distros, a new .rpm for rpm-based distros, or a
new download from CPAN for a system where Perl has largely been
installed via CPAN.

I tend to build my own .rpm's for things like SpamAssassin, in large
part because when I originally installed them I couldn't find a
package.  <g>  You might try snagging the .src.rpm that SuSE provides,
and tweaking the spec file to allow you to update to a newer SA within
the framework provided by rpm.  I find it well worth the effort for a
number of programs or modules- especially when it comes to installing
across multiple servers where I VERY SPECIFICALLY do NOT have compiler
tools installed.

>  SuSE are unlike Debian (for
> instance) in that they don't release (with one or two exceptions)
> upgraded packages other than to address security vulnerabilites,
> so to upgrade to a more recent version of any particular application
> cannot generally be done with a SuSE .rpm.

You mean, "like Debian stable", or "like RedHat Enterprise Linux" (and
its clones).  <g>  Both provide security updates, but (almost) NO
functionality changes.

Debian unstable is "whatever's current" (more or less).  Fedora Core
fills the same role for RedHat.

Get your mouse off of there!  You don't know where that email has been!

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