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Mike Burger writes:
> On Thu, 30 Sep 2004, Ben Rosengart wrote:
> > On Wed, Sep 29, 2004 at 06:40:18PM -0600, Lucas Albers wrote:
> > > Some options kick you in the face.
> > > Such as -a for spamd which will prevent it from starting.
> > 
> > Ouch.
> > 
> > Is the list of deprecated options and directives in the UPGRADE
> > document definitive?
> > 
> > Here at Panix -- where we have a bunch of spamds, a bunch of spamcs,
> > a whole lot of automatically- and hand-generated customer
> > configurations, and no way to upgrade everything all at once -- we
> > are pretty unhappy about the skimpy upgrade documentation, and the
> > number of apparently-gratuitous changes ("hits" becomes "score"?).
> While I would never presume to suggest that you work with pre-release in a 
> huge production environment, like at Panix, would it not have behooved 
> someone, there, to run them in a test environment...even stage the upgrade 
> to the release version, in test, prior to throwing it out there for 
> general consumption.

Ben --

We took the opportunity to do a major-version-number tick for 3.0.0,
and, as with most projects, that means major changes.

In particular, the s/hits/score/ change had been in the pipeline
for a while, and we had to do it sometime.   A major-version tick
is about the only time that's acceptable.

(btw afaik backwards-compatibility configuration settings were still
supported using "hits", though?  is this not the case?)

Anyway, I'd appreciate if people could flesh out the list of gotchas
they ran into that were not mentioned in the "UPGRADE" file, here:


- --j.
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