> I would like to add more rules, but not sure what to add that isn't
> being handled by SA? The www.rulesemporium.com  does mention what SA has
> added though is still a little vague on what all has been integrated into
> and with the timeouts not really wanting to place more on SA until

We really need to work on a set of pages for "use this set for version X.XX"
to make things obvious.
However, most of the SARE rules themselves are still applicable to 3.0.
There is one set that is not, and is marked as such.  Aome of the
'additional rules' are also not required, since they are there.  Antidrug
comes to mind.

> Have some of the rules been set with lower values with the new SA? I
> remember reading on the list that this may be the case to balance out all
> the other rules in place.

All of the scores are "different" than before, because it is a big balancing
act.  The most notable "lower score" seems to be BAYES_99, which actually
scores less than BAYES_90 in some scoresets.  Hand-tweaking that score up a
bit has apparently helped a few people.


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