Humm. I didn't expect this :-).

I don't know what is "aka" but of course you can check my publications list at

As you can see I have been working in e-learning and in information retrieval 
(with ranking algorithms and personalized web search). Now I am moving to  
mail and spam distributions and mail ranking. You can check that the rest of 
the data I sent is real (student in Hannover, etc..., you can even check that 
the pgp signature of this e-mail corresponds to the one I have on my web 

Sorry if it looks shady but as I said, I don't get any dangerous information 
for you because all the e-mail addresses are hashed (so only the 
distributions is what I am interested in like e.g. which is the percentage of 
spam you receive from your total incoming mail). That's why I did it in perl 
so all the people could check that I am using only perl packages and I do 
nothing strange (sorry if the code is not the best one as someone already 
complaint about but I haven't done much in perl before). The only thing is 
that it should be easy to understand (so you can check I am doing what I 
claim and there is not problem with your privacy) and it works (I already got 
some information from some instittutions).

Again, sorry if my mail looks strange but I thought this would be the best 
place to send my request as all of you are using or trying to use 

Best regards,


On Friday 15 October 2004 17:20, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> Quoting Alex Broens <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> [Daniel's request]
> > aka harvesting?
> His request does seem a bit shady, but I'd google Dan's previous papers
> before jumping to conclusions.
> --
> Sahil Tandon

     Daniel Olmedilla
     Learning Lab Lower Saxony (L3S)
     Deutscher Pavillon
     Expo plaza 1
     D - 30539 Hannover

     Phone: +49 (0)511 762.9741 / +49 (0)511 7621.9714
     Fax:     +49 (0)511 762.9779 / +49 (0)511-7621.9712

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