To clarify - the first server handles 700 domains and the second 250. The first is only handling virus and spam filtering for incoming email while the second is doing that plus pop3 and outgoing mail.

The first is also SCSI which seems to help alot - especially for qmail. Oh, also in both machines we use MySQL per-user spam preferences which puts another big load on the servers.

At 04:36 AM 10/28/2004, John Andersen wrote:
On Thursday 28 October 2004 12:18 am, email builder wrote:
> > We have two production mailservers running SA spamd. The first handles
> > about 5,000 incoming emails per hour, does spam filtering with SA and
> > virus
> Can I ask you how you load balance between the two machines (obviously if
> one handles 5000/hr and the other 2,500, it's not straight round robin)?

I saw nothing in his post to suggest he balanced load, or even that the
two servers were serving the same domains.

I just took it at face value that with 3.0.1 they couldn't keep up, but
falling back to 2.64 he could carry the load.

John Andersen

Best Regards,

Jeff Koch, Intersessions

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