On Wed, 2004-11-03 at 21:52, Matt Kettler wrote:
> At 04:40 PM 11/3/2004, Dave Goodrich wrote:
> >Good afternoon,
> >
> >I just finished testing an upgrade of SA to 3.01 and my scores fell 
> >through the floor. Read the docs, tried to use the Wiki, followed everyone 
> >else's upgrade on the list. Not sure just what went wrong.
> >
> >DAve
> >
> >Here is a sample output of spamassassin -D < test_spam (a known spam that 
> >had been caught and scored as follows,
> <snip>
> >debug: received-header: unknown format:
> >debug: received-header: unknown format:
> >debug: received-header: unknown format:
> >debug: received-header: unknown format:
> <snip>
> There's the cause of your problem.. SA is having problems parsing your 
> received headers.
> As a result, SA is failing to properly detect a trust path, and is 
> triggering ALL_TRUSTED, which should never happen for outside mail.

> In the short term, force ALL_TRUSTED to 0

Matt, does this mean that even if trusted_networks is set in local.cf,
SpamAssassin will fire the ALL_TRUSTED rule even if it can't parse 
the received headers? i.e. Since there are no parsable received 
headers, SA will assume that all must have been trusted? 
Seems a bit aggressive to me...

                - Sean

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