At 09:54 AM 11/4/2004 -0500, Dave Goodrich wrote:
Yes I just submitted a bug on the matter.. Currently ALL_TRUSTED fires whenever there are no untrusted relays detected.. However, it fails to check that any trusted relays exist...
I opened this bug to suggest a fix for ALL_TRUSTED:
However, the Received: path parsing bug is something I leave up to Dave to file.
No need, I rechecked my test message and it had some formatting problems from being transfered off my workstation (Thunderbird) and onto the SA box. I grabbed a couple other messages right out of the Maildir and they parsed fine.

I believe the issue with the headers was of my making, not a SA problem

Fair enough, thanks for the follow-up.

I still think it's worth fixing ALL_TRUSTED just in case.

There's at least one valid open bug regarding Received: formats..

And many others are possible, so it's definitely worth the preventative measures.

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