I've run into a problem with sa-learn. I'm running SA 3.0.1, and since the 
RPMs always seem to lag behind the binaries it's compiled. I call 
spamassassin using amavsd. I think the problem has arisen since upgrading my 
Mandrake system from 10.0 to 10.1, it looks like 10.1 uses Perl 5.8.5, I 
think 10.0 was on 5.8.3

when I try to sa-learn my ham/spam I get the following:
/usr/bin/sa-learn: /usr/bin/perl5.8.3: bad interpreter: No such file or 

I've tried recompiling spamassassin but it seems to have made no difference. 
ISTR I ran into a similar problem when the SURBL stuff came out and it 
involved moving some files around somewhere in 
the /usr/lib/perl5/vendor_perl/5.8.* tree but I seem to have run out of 
talent in trying to figure it out ;-)

Any help appreciated.


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