
Why is spamd running with a home directory under /tmp ?

I have spamassassin working as a mail filter under Amavis and Postfix
and SuSE.

I am trying to use spamd to speed things up.

I have two problems

1) I don't think that Amavis is actually using spamd
2) Spamd is not configuring correctly.

I am using spamassassin v2.64, amavis-new v20030616p5-23, perl
v5.8.1-81, postfix v2.0.14-41, SuSE v9.0

My /etc/sysconfig/spamd has:
SPAMD_ARGS="-d -a -L -D -x -u vscan"

My /usr/share/spamassassin is the default

My /etc/mail/spamassassin has only local.cf which has:
required_hits           5.0
rewrite_subject         1
subject_tag             [spam]
report_safe             1
use_terse_report        0
use_bayes               1
bayes_path              /var/spool/amavis/.spamassassin/bayes
bayes_file_mode         0666
auto_learn              1
skip_rbl_checks         1
ok_languages            all
ok_locales              all

The user vscan has a home directory of /var/spool/amavis

When I start spamd my /var/log/mail log gets:
Dec  6 14:12:12 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: daemonized.
Dec  6 14:12:13 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: Preloading modules with
Dec  6 14:12:13 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: ignore: test message to
precompile patterns and load modules
Dec  6 14:12:13 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: using
"/usr/share/spamassassin" for default rules dir
Dec  6 14:12:13 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: using
"/etc/mail/spamassassin" for site rules dir
Dec  6 14:12:15 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: bayes: no dbs present,
cannot scan: /tmp/spamd-23172-init/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
Dec  6 14:12:15 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: Score set 0 chosen.
Dec  6 14:12:15 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: Initialising learner
Dec  6 14:12:15 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: bayes: no dbs present,
cannot scan: /tmp/spamd-23172-init/.spamassassin/bayes_toks
Dec  6 14:12:15 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: running header regexp
tests; score so far=0
Dec  6 14:12:15 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: running body-text per-line
regexp tests; score so far=1.879
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: running raw-body-text
per-line regexp tests; score so far=1.879
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: running uri tests; score
so far=1.879
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: uri tests: Done uriRE
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: running full-text regexp
tests; score so far=1.879
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: all '*From' addrs:
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: all '*To' addrs:
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: running meta tests; score
so far=1.879
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: lock: 23172 created
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: lock: 23172 trying to get
lock on /tmp/spamd-23172-init/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist with 0
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: lock: 23172 link to
/tmp/spamd-23172-init/.spamassassin/auto-whitelist.lock: link ok
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: Tie-ing to DB file R/W in
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: auto-whitelist (db-based):
[EMAIL PROTECTED]|ip=none scores 0/0
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: AWL active, pre-score:
1.879, mean: undef, originating-ip: undef
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: Post AWL score: 1.879
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: DB addr list: untie-ing
and unlocking.
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: DB addr list: file locked,
breaking lock.
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: unlock: 23172 unlink
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: is spam? score=1.879
required=5 tests=DATE_MISSING,NO_REAL_NAME
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: server started on port 783/tcp
(running version 2.64)
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: server pid: 23172
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: logmsg: server started on port
783/tcp (running version 2.64)
Dec  6 14:12:16 Pangloss spamd[23172]: server started on port 783/tcp
(running version 2.64)

And reports no extra messages from spamd when an incoming message is
filtered, although amavis.log does show a spam score.

I have tried putting -H /var/spool/amavis into SPAMD_ARGS, makes no

Thanks for any help,
Paul Hilton

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