
Thanks for the suggestion, I may indeed do that, but at the moment
spamd isn't generating any messages after its startup. (unless I telnet
to it)

I start spamd with a script that came with the rpm package from SuSE in
/etc/init.d, the options are specified in the file /etc/sysconfig/spamd,
and I currently have SPAMD_ARGS="-d -a -L -D -x -u vscan", and
/etc/init.d/spamd does:
startproc -p /var/run/spamd.pid $SPAMD_BIN $SPAMD_ARGS

Paul Hilton

On Tue, 2004-12-07 at 10:01, Jack L. Stone wrote:
> At 09:51 AM 12.7.2004 -0500, Info wrote:
> >Theo,
> >
> >Thanks for the reply, and there may be some truth in that, but I'm not
> >convinced that it is ever working correctly.
> >
> >There have been NO spamd debug messages in the log since then, despite
> >emails being scanned. 
> >
> >There is never any message saying it actually found the Bayes data. I am
> >not convinced that spamd has ever found it, or that it is ever actually
> >being used.
> >
> >If I telnet to port 783 I do get spamd debug messages.
> >
> >Paul Hilton
> >
> >
> You could isolate the spamd-only messages by adding a syslog switch:
> Like so:
> /usr/local/bin/spamd --syslog=local1 -u spamd -x -d -r
> /var/run/spamd/spamd.pid
> HTH.....
> Happy trails,
> Jack L. Stone
> System Admin
> Sage-american

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