
Thanks for the reply, and there may be some truth in that, but I'm not
convinced that it is ever working correctly.

There have been NO spamd debug messages in the log since then, despite
emails being scanned. 

There is never any message saying it actually found the Bayes data. I am
not convinced that spamd has ever found it, or that it is ever actually
being used.

If I telnet to port 783 I do get spamd debug messages.

Paul Hilton

On Mon, 2004-12-06 at 15:04, Theo Van Dinter wrote:
> On Mon, Dec 06, 2004 at 02:57:02PM -0500, Info wrote:
> > Why is spamd running with a home directory under /tmp ?
> The debug output you've shown is the initial temp message that gets sent
> through spamd to "prime the pump", so to speak.
> > Dec  6 14:12:13 Pangloss spamd[23172]: debug: ignore: test message to
> > precompile patterns and load modules
> :)

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