On Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 9:07:44 AM, Chris Santerre wrote:
> Actually I was only saying to list the top look ups from the whitelist, not
> the 66,500. That is more of a research and exclusion tool. So no more then
> 200-300 domains. Check it every month for changes and update. 

This is already answered in other messages, but the top 125
most often hit SURBL whitelisted domains are currently listed
in the default 25_uribl.cf file:


# Top 125 domains whitelisted by SURBL
uridnsbl_skip_domain yahoo.com w3.org msn.com com.com yimg.com
uridnsbl_skip_domain hotmail.com doubleclick.net flowgo.com ebaystatic.com 

Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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