On Wednesday, December 8, 2004, 11:41:41 PM, hamann w wrote:
>>> How about a way to use wildcards with uridnsbl_skip_domain?  I'd like to
>>> be able to tell the SURBL code not to look up
>>> *.gov
>>> *.mil
>>> *.edu
>>> and even *.??.us
>>> since these are unlikely to be hosting spammer web pages.

> I have received obscure web traffic from a .mil site recently - it looked 
> like an infected
> windows box trying to inflict pain on windows web server
> (or would visitors from .mil sites conduct a "vulnerability scan" on remote 
> sites before they
> view them?)

That's bad, but remember that SURBLs are usually used to
check message body URIs and not sender domains.

Jeff C.
Jeff Chan

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