It isn't clear that you personally are doing something wrong, but it is
clear that something in your setup is wrong.  Bayes_00 says "this is ham,
absolutely guaranteed".  Thus it adds a negative score to offset any minor
infractions that may have been hit from other rules.

Since you say the message is spam, it should have something more like
bayes_99 than bayes_00.  Or if it is a random message bayes doesn't
recognize, it should be around bayes_50, which probably wouldn't even show
up as a rule hit.

So we can conclude that your bayes database is broken.  Probably if getting
bayes_00 on most all spam is common, it is so broken it would be best to
throw it away and start over clean.

However, before doing that, you need to figure out *why* bayes thinks your
spam is ham.  This would typically be the result of serious mis-training,
such as feeding all spam to Bayes and telling it that it is ham.  I would
look at how you are training bayes and figure out what is going wrong, fix
it, *then* blow away your current bayes database.


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