Per the advice of Loren, I have started my bayes db over. And so far so
good. SA is working like I wanted it to. I have another question about
my learnspam script. Here is the script:

---------------- START SCRIPT --------------------

# learnspam v0.34



echo Synchronizing $HAMBOX and $SPAMBOX to $SERVER
rsync --partial --progress -z -e ssh $HAMBOX $SERVER:$TMPHDIR
rsync --partial --progress -z -e ssh $SPAMBOX $SERVER:$TMPSDIR

ssh $SERVER "
        echo ; echo 'Learning ham...' ; echo ;
        sa-learn --ham --showdots --mbox $TMPHDIR ;
        echo 'Unlearning bad ham...' ; echo ;
        sa-learn --ham --forget --showdots --mbox $TMPSDIR ;
        echo 'Learning spam...' ; echo ;
        sa-learn --spam --showdots --mbox $TMPSDIR ;
        echo 'Removing spam senders from AWL...' ; echo ;
        spamassassin -R --mbox $TMPSDIR"
----------------------------- END SCRIPT --------------------------

I run this script via a cron event a couple of times per day, and I move
ham to the ham mbox and spam to the spam mbox via Novell Evolution.

Do I have the sa-learn --forget line correct? Do I need it there at all?
I placed it there because I wanted to make sure that all the junkmail
not getting marked spam was not only being learned as spam, but
unlearned as ham, just in case it was auto-learned as ham.

Jeff Ramsey
MIS Administrator
Tubafor Mill, Inc.

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