Hans du Plooy wrote:
> I was wondering what method you guys & gals prefer for upgrading
> spamassassin on the more mainstream rpm based distros
> (MDK/Fedora/rh/SUSE).

I'm not running RedHat on my own systems any more, but I still have one
legacy RH7.3 system at work.  All of my own new installs have been White
Box recently.  (Head office is largely a Debian shop, with one or two
lost souls preferring Solaris on x86 or Sun hardware, or *BSD.)

> I have a SUSE 9.1 server, running spamassassin through amavisd-new.
> Works like a charm.  I decided to give the CPAN thing a try.  logged
> in, updated all the relevant perl things (acutally I was wishing to
> upgrade everything perl related listed in amavisd-new's logfile, sa
> being one of them).  Somehow this broke spamassassin very badly.
> Couldn't even run sa-learn!

CPAN can be a bit tempermental - you might be better off using one of
the .rpm-building wrappers for CPAN.  (IIRC SuSE's packaging is a bit
odd anyway.)

> So I downloaded the tarball and built rpms using the included spec
> file with rpmbuild - this fixed it nicely.

For quite a while I used roll-your-own packages with my own .spec file,
because none of the third-party packages I found would either a) install
(in the case of provided binary RPMs) or b) build on my system from the
.src.rpm.  It also allowed me to include specific tweaks and packages -
I patched the SURBL "plugin" into my last couple 2.64 packages, for
instance.  I never used the SA-provided .spec file as it wasn't bundled
when I first went looking IIRC, and since then I've tried once or twice
and gotten errors I didn't have the time to track down where my own spec
file worked.

In general, though, more recently I've found out about third-party
repositories accessible via apt or yum.  I haven't bothered using them
for SpamAssassin (yet), but I am using them for a number of other
packages, and for security support on the RH7.3 box.

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