I do wonder if spam fell off at about 12.30 GMT - about the time BT
binned a few adsl's.... in error... of course


On Fri, 14 Jan 2005 12:47:34 -0800, "jdow" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>From: "John Wilcock" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>> Menno van Bennekom wrote:
>> > Spam is about normal here, but the number of viruses catched is one
>> > of the normal amount the last days. I double-checked amavisd/clamav but
>> > everything is working normal, it must be the silence before the storm..
>> I've seen a slight decrease in spam (down about 10%) since Xmas but,
>> like you, hardly any viruses for the last few days. First the number of
>> Sober.J's tailed off at the weekend, and now there's just the occasional
>> solitary Bagle or Netsky.
>> Is this a coincidence, or should we be battening down the hatches...?
>> John.
>Hm, this was a one day drop from 250 to 300 spams per day down to only
>140 or so. I was astonished. Today looks like it might be back up to
>"normal", sigh.

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