> Mojo wrote:
> Alas, I'm moving to a Verizon business DSL account for my server.  Is
> there any distinction between residential DSL and business DSL in their
> network addresses?
I don't know but my postfix check on dsl-verizon.net is based on DNS not
on ip-address. So if you change the dsl-verizon.net in something else it
will be allowed (in our case). But if you don't send mail directly
(your-server --> ourserver) but via the Verizon smtp-server (your-server
--> verizon-smtp --> ourserver) it will always be allowed even if your own
server has a dsl-verizon.net address (only the last sending address gets
checked). We send mail like that ourselves. Also we have a firewall rule
that allows only smtp-traffic from our mailservers to our isp's
smtp-servers so in case we get a virus on the LAN-workstations it can't be
spread by smtp. And we don't bounce mail but check for user-existence
during the SMTP-session. This way we won't have to bounce to fake
reply-addresses. A lot of spam/viruses we get is because unfortunately our
addresses are used as fake reply-to and for some reason a high number of
mailservers are configured to bounce with the complete attachments,
thereby serving as a virus relay..
Sorry for getting a little off topic!

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