Ya.. I feel the same way you do. The big issue is that verizon is a states
(USA) company. There is nothing wrong with that normally, except that
right now alot of people there think that its brilliant to outsource all
of the *meanial* programming, tech support, computer, IT, etc. work
overseas. This includes verizon. Verizon once had huge building filled
with offices, filled with people. They are now just a few person operation
in the states.. litterally. There is no way for them to properly run a
business. All I hear from the people that have Verizon is they are a)
stuck with them for now and b) how bad their tech support is and how they
cannot understand them.

Good luck.


Michael W Cocke said:
> On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 14:11:26 -0500, you wrote:
>>Chris Santerre wrote:
>>> LOL FWIW, the site mentioned in my original post is still UP!!
>>> After reading what verizon wireless did with the bluetooth cell
>>> phones(1),
>>> I've pretty much given up hope that ANYONE in upper managment of any
>>> verizon
>>> company has a clue!
>>The really unfortunate thing is that I end up using Verizon anyway.  I
>>hate their business practices but they're the only cell phone company
>>around that has decent coverage in rural areas.  AT&T, TMobile, and the
>>other digital-only carriers only work when you're in an area with a
>>decent population or within half a mile or so of an interstate highway.
> They don't work real well there either.  I used to use AT&T wireless.
> It was easier to just drive wherever I was trying to call.  BADLY
> overloaded circuits...  I think I got maybe 2 calls thru in the 3
> months I had them.  Verizon may be annoying, but at least I can use
> their system.
> Mike-
> --
> If you can keep your head while those around you are losing theirs...
> You may have a great career as a network administrator ahead!
> --
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