On Sat, 22 Jan 2005 20:47:05 -0800, you wrote:

>> months I had them.  Verizon may be annoying, but at least I can use
>> their system.
>Note that Verizon and Verizon Wireless seem to be separate companies.  I got
>my cel phone from Verizon Wireless before Verizon itself was selling cell
>phones.  I still get separate bills, and pay them to different accounting
>centers.  Comparing the ads in the last bills from each one, the deals from
>Verizon Wireless in general made more sense, if you actually added up what
>you would end up paying.
>        Lorne

They are indeed separate companies, and have been for at least a year
now.  That noted, if you want to experience a sharp drop in your wired
phone service quality, switch from Verizon to AT&T.  Ditto cell phone

Contrariwise, if you want your DSL service to go completely to hell,
switch from AT&T to Verizon.  (Joke I've heard - the reason Verizon
DSL gives you the first 3 months free is that that's how long it will
take them to get it working properly.)  I know too many people who
will swear to the truth of that joke.


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