> hahaha, pay me a few extra thousand a month and I will mount a cell phone
> tower on my head and carry it around hehehe. ;)
> -Cor

Try saying that in my vicinity, when I've just had one put up less that 200 
Yards from my garden, in the farmland behind, with two small kids, and I will 
not be laughing.


Jonathan Nichols said:
>> Blame that on NIMBYs in your neighborhood who do not want an unsightly
>> cellphone tower there.
> Don't forget the NIMBYs that think cell towers cause brain cancer or
> something silly like that. Local school district wanted to enter into a
> contract with one of the carriers (Sprint, I believe) to clamp cellular
> equipment on light poles at schools. It would have brought much needed
> funding into the schools (several thousand dollars per month) - but the
> 'concerned parents' and NIMBY crowds lobbied against the deal, and won,
> based on a lot of unfounded nonsense.
> Kind of a bummer, really... especially since these same types of folks
> would end up calling people like me at AT&T Wireless and complaining
> about their poor coverage. Go figure.. ;)

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