I would like spamassassin to check and update awl in SQL database. I entered 
appropriate config options to my local.cf file and I get such an entry in my 
mysql log file:
050130 21:21:27  112559 Connect     [EMAIL PROTECTED] on user_auth
                 112559 Query       SELECT count, totscore FROM userpref
              WHERE username = 'amavis' AND email = 
'[EMAIL PROTECTED]' AND ip = 'none'
                 112559 Quit

as you can see username='amavis' which is IMO incorrect. It should propably be 
recipient's email, shouldn't it? How do I achieve that? The same thing 
applies to email field (which should be sender's address). Should those values 
be somehow passed to spamassassin by amavisd-new or can spamassassin read 
them from message headers?


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