> I have installed them after visiting www.rulesemporium.com.  It is not
> easy to see there which rules "will hit mor on spam and less on ham".

Yes it is.  The rulesets that claim to be dangerous have a chance of hitting
more ham.  Which is why they are dangerous.

In general, many rules comes in sets of 4 or more files, numbered starting
at 0 and working up.  The 0 file is required for the rest of the files in
the set to work.  Beyond that, as the number increases the files will either
hit less known spam, or be more dangerous, and thus possibly hit more ham.

The general rule of thumb with most of the rulesets like this is that you
should certainly use sets 0 and 1, and probably 2 and maybe 3.  Files above
3 in the set deserve careful consideration.  They generally state that they
are only for use in systems with lots of resources, or similar limitations.

Of course, all of the rulesets deserve having the description and
instructions read.  Some of them are not to be used on particular versions
of SA.  Others are known to work in English areas, but are suspected (or
possibly known) to hit false positives in areas with other languages.  It is
worth reading each description and understanding if the file is appropriate
for your particular situation, whatever it may be.


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