That version of Net::DNS is too old. Upgrade that and see if it fixes it.

Austin Weidner wrote:
According to the docs:

On UNIX systems the defaults are read from the following files, in the
order indicated:


What OS is this server running?

Try running this:

perl -MNet::DNS -e '$r=Net::DNS::Resolver->new;print join "
",$r->nameservers, "\n";'

You should get the same ip addresses that are in your /etc/resolv.conf

I think we might be on to something here.

Running: RHEL3

I have two servers in my resolv.conf file. The first one is acting up, the
2nd one is working fine. When I do a dig or nslookup, it is using the 2nd
one all the time. One poster suggested that Net::DNS isn't very good at
going to the #2 server if the #1 one screws up.

So I took out the #1 server completely (so there is only one server in
resolv.conf right now, nslookup and dig still working normal). Then tried
Net::DNS stuff and got the same results. However, I ran your code and much
to my surprise, it listed BOTH servers!

So I thought maybe Net::DNS looks at it when it is first installed. Tried
to reinstall Net::DNS from source, still nothing. Wonder if I need to remove
the RPM version before installing from source? I have:

[EMAIL PROTECTED] tmp]# rpm -qa | grep DNS

Installed. At any rate, I think (or maybe I should say I HOPE) the problem
is Net::DNS is looking at a server that isn't reliable, and not going to the
backup. Now I am not sure how to get Net::DNS to recognize that there is
only 1 server to use (or at least make it so the GOOD server is used first).

Thanks again, hope we are on to something here!

- Austin


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