> According to the docs:
> On UNIX systems the defaults are read from the following files, in the
> order indicated:
>      /etc/resolv.conf
>      $HOME/.resolv.conf
>      ./.resolv.conf
> What OS is this server running?
> Try running this:
> perl -MNet::DNS -e '$r=Net::DNS::Resolver->new;print join "
> ",$r->nameservers, "\n";'
> You should get the same ip addresses that are in your /etc/resolv.conf

Well I took out my RPM version of Net::DNS, and just have the CPAN version
left. Edited resolv.conf down to one server (operating), and still no dice.
When I run your piece of code, it is still listing 2 servers. What the
heck!! Even tried rebooting. Even tried re-install Net::DNS again from (from

Net::DNS must save it's settings somewhere? I can't tell why it is not
dropping the bad server.

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