At 03:39 PM 2/18/2005, Eric A. Hall wrote:
Is the LDAP stuff in SA usable for global tests, or is it per-user only,
or is there less of a difference than I am imagining here?

The LDAP stuff is to replace user_prefs, not the global test list.

Since you need to get as far as parsing the site config before you can even get the LDAP DSN to look in, all of /usr/share/spamassassin/*.cf and /etc/mail/spamassassin/*.cf will be parsed before LDAP or SQL are even looked at.

Also, unless you've got "allow_user_rules" set to 1 in your, no body, rawbody, header, uri, or meta statements will be honored.

Some privileged settings will not be honored at this level even if allow_user_rules is set. Take a look at man Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf and keep in mind that this is a form of user_prefs.

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