On Tue, Jan 23, 2018, at 02:55, Zulma Pape wrote:
> In other words, can we integrate the Cloud AutoML into our server's
> spam filter and make it behave the same way Gmail behave ?
In short, not without a *lot* of work.

Gmail implements a lot more complexity, and they have a lot more data
than you. One example is that they track user interaction with email,
things like what messages does a user delete without reading, what
messages are opened and for how long, are links clicked, replies
generated, etc.
They also have a very wide view of all the email around the world, and
therefore are very likely to spot new botnets, changes in spammer
techniques, and also changes in legitimate mail far faster than almost
anyone else.
Bayesian is good, per-user bayesian is better, but Gmail can build
bayesian databases without the user's help simply based on their
activity combined with generalized multiple user filters. They can also
use this type of learning to split out mailing lists, receipts,
advertising, scams and others in a general sense, and then apply some
logic to determine if this particular user is likely receptive to the
classifications of messages.
You could reproduce all of this to the best of your data, but you also
need a relatively massive dataset and ability to collect a lot of
details about your user activity to really make it work.
On the other hand, you can make unilateral decisions under the "my
server, my rules" policy to customize and tweak your own filters in a
way that Google cannot.

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