On 01/25/2018 04:19 AM, Bill Shirley wrote:
I'm all for tightening up standards compliance with email, but what I would see
if this would happen is a request from my customers saying:
Bob'semails (b...@bad-spf.com) are going to the spam folder; whitelist him please
Bob's email admin won't ever know that his SPF is failing.


I am trying to help with this problem by sending emails nor more than per day like this one back to the sender:


This way the sender knows that they just sent the email and gets this response immediately. If they can read the first sentence and forward it to their mail admins, then there's a small chance this will help.

I am sure that some users are setting up an Inbox rule to delete this email. I have had a couple of responses wanting help with fixing their SPF record so there is some good coming from this.

This email response is completely automated. I am using swatch to watch for SPF_FAIL in my mail logs then it launches a script that generates that form email filling some details. Swatch is limited to replying only once per every 24 hours per sender address.

David Jones

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