On 15 Feb 2018, at 15:33, Gianluca Furnarotto wrote:


I am trying to use Bayes with spamassassin, now it seems stop to learn, and when I use a command as "sa-learn --dump magic", or "sa-learn --sync", or other sa-learn commands,
it appears this error:
"Use of uninitialized value $_[1] in hash element at Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf/Parser.pm line 571."

Line 571 is this:
" } "
inside these lines.
" elsif ($type == $Mail::SpamAssassin::Conf::CONF_TYPE_ADDRLIST) {
$cmd->{code} = \&set_addrlist_value;
}" <--- line 571

That absolutely IS NOT line 571 of Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf/Parser.pm in SA version 3.4.1. That's line 685.

The relevant lines in Mail/SpamAssassin/Conf/Parser.pm:

   569  # functions supported in the "if" eval:
   570  sub cond_clause_plugin_loaded {
   571    return $_[0]->{conf}->{plugins_loaded}->{$_[1]};
   572  }

My first guess on this is that your configuration has a typo. Try running 'spamassassin --lint' to check it.

The error message indicates that something is calling the subroutine 'cond_clause_plugin_loaded' in a way that gives it only one parameter where it is expecting 2, the first of which is an object reference.

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