If this is causing the entire mail to be flagged as SPAM, we need to see
the entire FP not just a hit on one rule.  That rule has a max 0.8 score.

Though it does appear to be hitting on more than intended though.

Anyone know what it is supposed to hit because I think it might be hitting
on a lot more than intended?


Kevin A. McGrail
Asst. Treasurer & VP Fundraising, Apache Software Foundation
Chair Emeritus Apache SpamAssassin Project
https://www.linkedin.com/in/kmcgrail - 703.798.0171

On Fri, Apr 27, 2018 at 6:03 AM, Sebastian Arcus <s.ar...@open-t.co.uk>

> On 27/04/18 10:49, Sebastian Arcus wrote:
>> I am getting some FP's with URI_TRY_3LD hitting the url get.adobe.com in
>> the body of emails:
>> Apr 27 10:45:39.330 [32173] dbg: rules: ran uri rule URI_TRY_3LD ======>
>> got hit: "http://get.adobe.com";
>> Would it be possible to add some exception to this rule - as many
>> legitimate emails containing invoice attachments in pdf include the above
>> url in the body.
> It also appears to not like some DHL url's for some reason:
> Apr 27 11:02:05.148 [32339] dbg: rules: ran uri rule URI_TRY_3LD ======>
> got hit: "https://mybill.dhl.com";

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