On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 18:33:23 +0100
RW wrote:

> On Sun, 29 Jul 2018 12:28:08 +0200
> Antony Stone wrote:
> > On Sunday 29 July 2018 at 12:17:07, Sebastian Arcus wrote yet
> > another email that's guaranteed to fail DMARC with a reject when
> > posted through a mailing list, and consequently I didn't receive:  
> > > Or maybe I am misunderstanding completely what is going on? I've
> > > uploaded a set of headers here: https://pastebin.com/KDV1f0wW    
> > 
> > Given that the example you've posted is from a machine with a public
> > IP, but thinks it has a private IP, I'm
> > not entirely surprised there is no rDNS set up for the private
> > address.  
> This is the header:
> Received: from (EHLO []) ([])
>           by smtp409.mail.ir2.yahoo.com (Oath Hermes SMTP Server) with
>           ESMTPA ID 84be422cfd662692400891131b957bd8 for
>           <destination.addr...@mydomain.co.uk>; Mon, 23 Jul 2018
>           13:59:41 +0000 (UTC)
> Received: from ip70-189-131-151.lv.lv.cox.net (EHLO [])
>          ([]) ...
> It's hard to say for sure, but either the sender is using a bare IP
> address (would iPhone Mail allow that?) or Yahoo is doing something
> strange. 

What looks to be happening is that the first field is the rDNS, but if
there is no rDNS (and possibly if it's not full-circle) Yahoo
substitutes a bare IP address.

I see in some older headers it has "JAMES SMTP Server" instead of "Oath
Hermes SMTP Server". I wondering if this is an Apache James format.

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