> Henrik K <h...@hege.li> kirjoitti 21.10.2018 kello 10.15:

> I wonder who's going to be the first to offer public bitcoin DNS blacklist,
> I could make plugin for it. :-)
> In the meantime, here's something to try..
> ./btcabuse.pl >btcabuse.cf.tmp && mv -f btcabuse.cf.tmp btcabuse.cf
> ====================================
> #!/usr/bin/perl -w
> use strict;
> use JSON;
> use LWP::UserAgent;
> my $url = 'http://www.bitcoinabuse.com/api/reports/distinct';
> my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new(
>    keep_alive => 1, agent => 'Wget/1.17.1 (linux-gnu)');
> my $json;
> my %ids;
> sub parse_rule {
>    my $id = $_[0]->{address};
>    return if $id !~ /^\w{26,35}$/;
>    return if defined $ids{$id};
>    $ids{$id} = 1;
>    my $len = 8;
>    my $idshort = uc(substr($id, 0, $len));
>    while (defined $ids{$idshort}) {
>        $idshort = uc(substr($id, 0, ++$len));
>    }
>    $ids{$idshort} = 1;
>    my $i = $id =~ /^bc1/i ? 'i' : '';
>    print "body BTC_$idshort /$id/$i\n";
>    print "describe BTC_$idshort https://www.bitcoinabuse.com/reports/$id\n";;
>    print "score BTC_$idshort 5\n";
>    print "priority BTC_$idshort 2\n";
> }
> for (my $i = 20; $i; $i--) {
>    my $r = $ua->get($url);
>    die $r->status_line unless $r->is_success;
>    eval { $json = decode_json($r->decoded_content); }
>        or die "JSON parse failed: $@\n";
>    die unless $json->{data};
>    parse_rule($_) foreach (@{$json->{data}});
>    last unless $json->{next_page_url};
>    $url = $json->{next_page_url};
>    sleep(1);
> }
> ====================================

Thanks, testing!

br. jarif

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