On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 19:33:19 +0000
Zinski, Steve wrote:

> I’m seriously thinking about doing the same (block all emails that
> contain a bitcoin address). 

Effectively you already have. A legitimate email with a bitcoin address
will almost certainly contain either 'btc' or 'bitcoin' and your rules 
__BTC2 to __BTC5  match a non-obfuscated 'bitcoin' or 'btc'.

The the only real advantage that LOCAL_BITCOIN has over scoring __BTC1
directly is that __BTC1 might match on something that isn't actually a
bitcoin address, but this comes at the expense of spammers being able
to evade the rule by using other obfuscations. 

Take a look at __BITCOIN_ID for how to avoid __BTC1 FPs from URIs. Also
take a look at the FUZZY rules for how to test for actual obfuscation.

> I’ve had good luck with my custom rule
> that also tests for Unicode obfuscation:
> body    __BTC1          /\b[13][a-km-zA-HJ-NP-Z1-9]{25,34}\b/
> body    __BTC2          /\b\W*b\W*i\W*t\W*c\W*o\W*i\W*n\W*\b/i
> body    __BTC3          /\b\W*b\W*t\W*c\W*\b/i
> body    __BTC4          /bt[c\x{0441}]/i
> body
> __BTC5          /b[i\x{0456}]t[c\x{0441}][o\x{043E}][i\x{0456}]n/i
> meta    LOCAL_BITCOIN   ( __BTC1 && ( __BTC2 || __BTC3 || __BTC4 ||
> __BTC5 ) ) score   LOCAL_BITCOIN   10.0

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