On 20 Dec 2018, at 17:54, Bill Cole wrote:

If you cannot wait 5 more hours and have an updated SVN checkout of the 'trunk' code, you can run:

    make clean ; echo |perl Makefile.PL ; make build_rules

That will leave a proper set of rules files in the rules/ directory. If you copy rules/72_active.cf to your local site-wide rules directory (probably /var/lib/spamassassin/3.004002/updates_spamassassin_org/) you will fix the worst effects of last night's broken update.

It has been pointed out to me that a simpler and less error-prone fix would be to revert to the prior day's rule collection:

   mkdir /tmp/saupdate-1849156
   cd $_
   curl -O http://sa-update.spamassassin.org/1849156.tar.gz
   curl -O http://sa-update.spamassassin.org/1849156.tar.gz.asc
   curl -O http://sa-update.spamassassin.org/1849156.tar.gz.sha245
   curl -O http://sa-update.spamassassin.org/1849156.tar.gz.sha512
   sa-update -D --install 1849156.tar.gz

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