On Jan 10, 2019, at 06.05, Kevin A. McGrail <kmcgr...@apache.org> wrote:
> I believe this is a known issue fixed in svn.  We need to get 3.4.3 out the 
> door for this.  Are you able to test with the 3.4 branch from svn?

thanks.  i've done a crude test just grabbing sa-update from svn, with some 

>sa-update -v --allowplugins --channelfile 
>/etc/spamassassin/sa-update-conf.d/channels.txt --gpgkeyfile 
>/etc/spamassassin/sa-update-conf.d/sa-update-keys.txt --gpghomedir 
Update available for channel sought.rules.yerp.org: -1 -> 3402014020421
http: (curl) GET http://yerp.org/rules/MIRRORED.BY, success
http: (curl) GET 
http://rules.yerp.org.s3.amazonaws.com/rules/stage/3402014020421.tar.gz, success
http: (curl) GET 
FAILED, status: exit 22
http: (curl) GET 
FAILED, status: exit 22
http: (curl) GET 
channel 'sought.rules.yerp.org': could not find working mirror, channel failed
Update failed, exiting with code 4

it parses the url properly now, but still fails.  i guess it doesn't like only 
having the asc file?  is my test too crude to be viable?

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