Rick Cooper wrote:
Giovanni Bechis wrote:
man Mail::SpamAssassin::Plugin::Phishing
to be precise.

Something that isn't answered in the docs is the default score

There doesn't seem to be one set:

root@tiny:/home/kdeugau# sa-update
root@tiny:/home/kdeugau# grep -R URI_PHISHING /var/lib/spamassassin/3.004002/

although the default score for any rule without one is 1, unless the rule name begins with T_, in which case the default is 0.01.

and I am
wondering if SA has to be restarted after each update of the data or does it
reread each time the plugin is called

Looks like it loads the data into RAM on SA startup/(reload?).

Someone(TM) with some time on their hands could probably trivially convert it to use eg a tied hash on a local .cdb file derived from the source data, instead of keeping a static copy in RAM. Or squash it into a DNS lookup like a lot of other miscellaneous lookups.


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