On Jun 25, 2019, at 11:36 AM, Matt Anton <m...@lv223.org> wrote:
> On 25 Jun 2019, at 2:57, @lbutlr wrote:
>> These are inbound messages being delivered to local users with high spam 
>> scores. I want Spamassassin-milter to honor the -r 10 flag setting to reject 
>> messages scoring over 10.0
> After digging on my configuration files I came to the same problem as you 
> when I installed that milter  (spamass-milter doesn’t honours the -r flag no 
> matter what I’ve tried).

That’s unfortunate, and it appears to no longer be in development.

> I simply overcame this by setting SA’s required_score parameter to a desired 
> value in mail/spamassassin/local.cf

Well, I want spam MARKED at 5.0, but I want it REJECTED at 10.0. It is a subtle 
difference, but the majority of spam being delivered to users is in the 10-100 

> FWIW this is with spamass-milter-0.4.0_3 on FreeBSD.

Same. Sigh.

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