On Fri, Jul 05, 2019 at 02:46:16PM +0000, David Jones wrote:
> I am completely OK with switching to a new X-Relay-Countries-MUA header 
> as long as it works just like the current X-Relay-Countries when there 
> is no MUA.  If it's differnt logic or an extra header to check, then 
> that would mean duplicating and managing another set of rules and scores 
> for dozens/hundreds of country codes.
> In other words, could the new X-Relay-Countries rules be ordered so the 
> each one also includes the lower ones like syslog works?

I don't like it.  There's specific function for the headers.  Someone might
want to check specific countries for authenticated users, which might not be
the same countries than for generic relay checks.

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